what's the buzz about

These handmade wraps harness the amazing properties of BEESWAX ... a 100% natural product that is antibacterial, waterproof, and non-toxic. They keep unwanted moisture out of food, and keep natural moisture in.
Honeybees consume honey and pollen to produce beeswax, which is used to build the cells where bees raise their brood and store honey and pollen. It takes about six to eight pounds of honey to produce just one pound of beeswax.
Beeswax has been used for thouseands of years in many applications - right from the ancient Egyptians who used it for preservations and heath benefits - to the myriad of uses today such as in lips balms, cosmetic applications, candles, maintenance of musical instruments, polishes, waterproofing, and of course beeswax wraps. Beeswax can provide protection while still remaining breathable, and is both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
Naturewraps are an environmentally-friendly and healthy alternative to plastic wrap. They're handmade in Edmonton from 100% cotton fabric, locally-sourced beeswax, pine resin and jojoba oil.